Medical Checkup Using Mobile Application in India

Once we think of innovative ideas, it could be anything. It is very much big the topic. Everyone will suggest their ideas based on their thinking. Thinking comes from its experience and availability. This comes to my mind when it is not possible for me to go for a doctor through I need to meet the doctor.

Does it really require to meet the doctor physically every time?

Certainly No.

Every time, it is not required but most of the time it is required as want to check you or your body. But for a second visit, certainly it is not required. There is much case in which it is not required to meet the doctor physically. To solve the same purpose we can think of some alternative like this. Yes, we can meet the doctor online. It great and cheap, easy to use if we imagine. Both has its own benefits.

Health check-up & solution online

User Account Manager:

User account manager will manage the user login, log out details with registered login details. There can be two type of account. One is free and other is paid user. Paid user can have more facility than the normal user. The additional facility can modify at any stage depending on the user and doctor requirement and usage.
Paid user will get the specified equipment by which patient can transfer measured data to the doctor.
Some of the equipment and facilities are listed below:
1) Blood pressure measurement
2) Pulse measurement
3) Request for the blood test & another test for diagnostic.
4) Request for urine collection, etc.,
5) Request for patient picks up or patient check up.
6) Recording for video and audio while doctor consultant.
7) Discounts
8) Scheme for paid user.
9) The home delivery facility.

Search Analyzer:

It includes the searching capability and searching mechanism to find out the correct result in accordance with search given text. There will be direct search option available for the following options:
  • Search nearby
  • Search by keyword (skin, physician)
  • Search by area
  • Search by city
  • Search by cost
  • Search by time
  • Search online available
  • Search by popularity
  • Search of specialist
  • Search within country
  • Search International
  • Search in favorite­
  • Search in history
  • Display last 10 contacted.
You can do logical and for different search options.

Patient Case Manager:

Case Manager deals with case details. It includes the complete case details like doctor, date, lab test and all other activity related to the patient case. It may be new or old. Personal details manager. Issuance & another document can be stored in case manager for next checkup. Doctor and lab technician details can be stored and managed in this module.
A person can fill the details online before reaching the hospital. It way a user can avoid additional time at a hospital. As form fill up can be done by other members also. The patient can be the relief for the bit more time. Retrieving the old case, information can be done. By which doctor can analyze the root cause properly. A person can store his lifetime history for the checkup. He can print it any time to submit to anyone. Pharmacy medicine history and cost of individual can be maintained & recorded for further study. A person can generate the bills summary for the particular year. It will help the user to submit the medical bill for income tax saving.
Security Manager:

Security manager will restrict the access of the patient details from the different user. You can share the details and give access to the different user with approval from the owner of the document. Ownership can be shared among many users.

Profile Manager:

Profile manager will manage the patient personal details like date of birth, age, sex, education, salary occupation etc.

Emergency help manager:

It will be useful in case of the accident and other emergency condition to get the help for the ambulance. There will single click button to get this help. Once you click it will share your location information to the near hospital, which will immediately come to pick up you from that location for the treatment.

Location Manager:

Location manager will keep continuous track of the available hospital and doctor nearby your present location. It will also inform the hospital & doctor for the availability of patient. Once the visit is finalized navigation will be activated, route guidance will be provided to reach the destination.


  • This method can help the user for the general checkup without traveling to a doctor.
(No transportation changes)
  • The doctor can generate more business.
  • Generally once we feel ill, we will wait some days and we will go for check up. For checkup also we need to do many tasks like taking an appointment. Wait in a queue. Even we don’t know the change for checkup)
  • It will help in emergency condition by pressing single click for Emergency help. Here emergency help means once to meet with an accident, you just need to click Help. By pressing help, it will send the location information to all available hospital nearby. Also, it will send the location information as the message (SMS) to all the contacts available in a group named family. If the location information is not available then it will send the test message with text “Emergency”
  • Sometimes a patient does not condition to for checkup. In this condition, this method can assist the patient in many ways.
    • Requesting for patient pickup.
    • General check with the available doctor.
  • After visiting doctor once we will go to a doctor again for many reasons.
    • May either because of we are ok with the medicine given by doctor
    • We may want to change the doctor
    • We may be we want to avoid additional cost
    • We maybe we are not bothered about it.
In such case, a doctor will either assume that we are ok. The doctor can not judge the actual diagnostic. So this method will help the doctor as well to get the feedback from the patient.
  • Doctor need not to go anywhere outside, no need to go to a dispensary. Simply sitting at home he can generate the business.
  • The patient can avoid the wait time.
  • The patient can do the check at any time (24 hours) with the available doctor.
  • The patient can clear idea about the charges for the doctor and feedback/review for the doctor.
  • Maintain the history of conversation talk, video, and chat with the doctor.
  • Easy way to maintain the record for expense spends for the medical checkups and medicines.
  • People who are running medicine business can generate the more business from using this method.
Medical Insurance Approved Hospital

You can see the hospital which supports cash – less service for your insurance in the map.

Chat Manager:

Chat manager is the very much useful tool. It will help the patient for not to misunderstood any stage. It will help the user if he forgets anything while communicating. Spelling mistakes can be avoided using this chat manager. Furthermore, this chat history can be useful in a serious case for police to understand the conversation between doctor and patient.

Voice Manager:

Voice Manager is simple to use. It will help the user if he forgets anything while communicating. It will help the patient for not to misunderstand any stage. Furthermore, this chat history can be useful in a serious case for police to understand the conversation between doctor and patient.

Message Manager:

This is like email or message. Patient and doctor can send a message to each other. Doctor / patient can block the message.

Video Manager:

  • Basic communication & checkup for the problematic part:
The doctor can see the problematic or injury part of the body in this. Pulse and blood pressure measurement can be done at the patient place only. The result & method of measurement can be verified by the doctor.

  • Guide the patient:
This is used to give the guideline to a patient about what to eat & when to eat. A simple printed page with the symbolic diagram can be useful for patient to understand the importance of this.

  • Demo the root cause:
This can be useful for the cancer patient to demo the fact of the tobacco. Above all, any video tricks can be played.

  • Medicine guideline:
It will contain the pictorial image for the tablet with information regarding when to take. Morning, afternoon, evening.

File Manager:

Their doctor can share different files with a patient, like treatment charges, prescription & other details.Here predefined images can be prepared & can be filled by the doctor to guide the patient about eatables, & medicine timings. And care which need to take to solve the problem. Image or can be placed for better understanding. The format can be prepared based on standard disease. 


This can be used by the doctor to communicate with another doctor. A group conference can be organized on a topic or a case to solve and analyze the issue.

Document Manager:

Document manager will help you to send & receive the documents. The receipt of medicine and treatment can be sent. Reports of surgery & lab result can store & send.


Recruitment firm can access this data to hiring the doctor, technician or the resource.

Grouping & community:

The doctor can make the group and invite the members to be part of the groups. This will help to send the message across the groups & broadcasting of certain news among the group members.

Payment Manager:

Payment manager includes the payment activity related pharmacy, doctor treatment, consultant & checkup charges, lab test charges etc. Payment history is maintained & report can be generated with different available options.The payment manager deals with the There are many options available for the payment.
  • Credit card
  • Debit card
  • PayPal
  • Cheque
  • Cash
  • Amount transfer to Account
  • Any other method available
Ambulance Manager:

Once Ambulance request comes the status of the ambulance is share with patient continuously. An approximated available time is displayed on the patient mobile screen. Once patient will confirm, the ambulance will run to pick up the patient. In emergency, single click can generate the ambulance request (location will be shared if mobile support GPS navigation)

Latest News (open to all):

Latest news deals with the free available camp for the checkup with complete details. If the information written found is wrong person / user can mark the review also. The necessary action can be taken for submission of wrong & misleading information.
The article related to common problems can be found here. Knowledge sharing and database for a predefined issue and a problem with a common disease can be found here. The doctor can share the knowledge with another doctor here with this. The doctor can do meeting and conference with this. Case study and result can be published here. Ranking related information can be display here. At the end of every quarter, top ranking of doctor list can be published. This can be useful to understand the doctor.

Patient Request Manager:

It deals with the patient request for blood & urine collection or any general check up in the condition when a patient can not move to the hospital of the clinic.All requests can be recorded & used for the further investigation.

Delivery Manager:

It will handle the activity related to the delivery of medicine, reports, or any other delivery. All delivery can be recorded & can be used in future. Delivery status can be intimated well in advance. The patient can generate the request to track the delivery status. If it is enabled then a patient will get location information continuously till the arrival of the requested delivery.

Doctor / Technician Resource Manager:

It will interact with case manager & It will maintain the complete history of the doctor, technician, nurse which is working to the particular Patient case. This will be useful in the hospital where a number of patient & doctor are available. It will help to evaluate the performance of the doctor and resource to judge their skills. Patient feedback is again part of the resource manager. Patient feedback will be taken and recorded. Based on the number of casework & patient satisfaction, quarterly ranking will be published, which will help another patient to choose their doctor.

Doctor database Management:

It will contain the full database of the available doctor around the world. The database will be continuously updated.

Medical store/ pharmacy database:

It will contain the full database of the available pharmacy around the world. The database will be continuously updated. 

Test Laboratory database:

It will contain the full database of the available laboratory around the world. The database will be continuously updated.

Expense & fees sheet checker:

This is most effective & useful part for a patient. Most of the time we don’t know the consultant charges before visiting the doctor place. Here we can see charges for the different checkups before consulting the doctor. There will different charge to avail the different options like audio, video, chat, face to face consult. This will force the doctor to display their consultant charge. The patient can compare the charges with the different available doctor before consulting.

Link & Channel formation:

This is the opportunity for doctor and pharmacy to form a link or relationship with each other for business purpose. It will be very much useful for newcomers to grow the business immediately.

Doctor review & rating:

The patient can publish the review and rating for the doctor. Review & comments will be monitored by admin. After approval from the admin, comments will be published on the site. Review and rating are useful to another patient.

History Manager:

History manager will keep track & record the history of every activity done by the patient, doctor & another resource.

Notification / Subscribe manager:

The notification can be generated to get the message some of activity like free checkup camps, doctor availability, Payment success or any other activity in which user is interested. The patient can subscribe to a doctor to get the update which is published by the doctor. Other notification can be set for delivery confirmation notification, patient request confirmation.

Scheme Alert:

This scheme alert can be set by a user to get a message related to available discount, offers, free check up camps. This notification will be generated based on your previous visited doctor & your recorded details. 

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About Kapil

"I am Kapil Thakar, an Embedded Engineer cum Blogger wants to learn new things. I love to share my knowledge solutions to the problems. Interested in Blogging, Creative-Writing, SEO, Website Creation, Video Making, Editing, Affiliation Programs, Online Making Money."
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