Hotel Booking
You can book the hotel on-line from site Goibibo. Though at first look you will think that Gobibo price is higher than other site but, In Goibibo, you can avail good discount if you know the discount coupons. So overall price will be very less. I would recommend you to book through or It is very easy to avail the discount coupons. Many of the coupons you can get on the sites. you can also book through your mobile. Gobibo has a special discount if you book from Gobibo mobile application. Some of the good site to book Hotel online is mentioned below.
- TravelGuru
- GoIbibo
- Agoda
- Via
- Expedia
- MustseeIndia
If you are not able to get it on a site then you can search in google and give search criteria as last one week. You can find the below-mentioned options while searching for the keyword in google.
- Web
- Image
- Map
- News
- More
- Search Tool
This you can find in search tool->past week. In the search tool, you can find four options.
- The Web
- Any Time
- All Results
- Location
Below to any time you can see Past Week option. (you can choose past month also if it will not give you proper result). The list of options available is mentioned below.
- Past hour
- Past 24 hour
- Past week
- Past month
- Past Year
- Custom range
There are many sites available to get this information. some of the examples are
- 27coupons
- Coupongadi
- Coupondunia
- couponmania
But I would suggest you 27coupons because on this site you will get all updated information. I will put the valid and latest available coupon first and expired coupon below.
Personally I have used the coupon from 27coupon for my booking and I got the discount of 3000 rs in goibibo for 10000 rs booking. mean I paid 7000 rs. So I think this is the good deal. I used coupon code HOTLONG which is expired now. Currently, the coupon code is HOTDEALS15 to avail the 15% flat off on booking above 2000 rs. But before booking you need to confirm all the things in advance like location, facility, availability, transfer and nearby places.
First check how many days you are planning to travel. If you are planning more than 7 days then book two separate hotels if possible. So It would be easy for you to different places. Probably it will increase your hotel cost but it will reduce your travel cost. and it would be easy for you to cover more places at both the side. I would recommend you to book at least 1 month before traveling.
If you are not able to get the discount on a site then you can search in google and give search criteria as last one week. This you can find in search tool->past week.
Here is the list of the site on which you can avail the discounts.
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